With Blood

Genre : Documentary
With Blood

This documentary follows ordinary people’s efforts to overcome extraordinary obstacles in pursuit of routine health care in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Shot on location with patients and health workers over seven months, this film offers a thought-provoking, compassionate perspective on life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Military checkpoints that lie between villages and cities often prevent the movement of ambulances and the infirm, forcing critical cases to take treacherous bypass routes through olive groves and over rocky, mountainous terrain. Medics, ambulance drivers, and doctors negotiate these shiftings barries in order to deliver care.

Resistance here comes not in the form of guns and bombs, but rather in the people's determination to continue to strive for life and health in the face of adversity. With Blood offers unique access to these often overlooked stories and explores how the confict in the region exacerbates already difficult and traumatic situations.

Directors : Juliana Fredman & Dan O'Reilly-Rowe
Markets : Documentary
Year Released : 2006
Country : US/Palestine
Original Language : English/Arabic

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With Blood

With Blood

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This documentary follows ordinary people’s efforts to overcome extraordinary obstacles in pursuit of routine health care in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Shot on location with patients and health workers over seven months, this film offers a thought-provoking, compassionate perspective on life in the Occupied Palestinian Territories.

Military checkpoints that lie between villages and cities often prevent the movement of ambulances and the infirm, forcing critical cases to take treacherous bypass routes through olive groves and over rocky, mountainous terrain. Medics, ambulance drivers, and doctors negotiate these shiftings barries in order to deliver care.

Resistance here comes not in the form of guns and bombs, but rather in the people's determination to continue to strive for life and health in the face of adversity. With Blood offers unique access to these often overlooked stories and explores how the confict in the region exacerbates already difficult and traumatic situations.

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