A visceral road movie that chronicles the daily travails of Palestinians of all backgrounds as they seek routes through, under, around, and over a bewildering matrix of barriers and border walls in the highly militarized West Bank. Alternating between cigarette breaks, detours, waiting, and moving, INFILTRATORS depicts the cunning, unnerving, and constant struggle to defy captivity and occupation.
Directors :
Khaled Jarrar
Markets :
Year Released : 2012
Running Time :
Color : Color
Country : Palestine
Original Language : Arabic
Translation available in : English
Visual Journey: Scenes from Infiltrators
Explore a gallery of images from "Infiltrators," offering a visual feast that captures the essence of its story.

Gold Hugo Award, Chicago Film Festival, 2013
Best Documentary Film Award, Al Ard Doc Film festival Cagliari Italy, 2013
Jury Documentary Award, Malmo Arab Film Festival Sweden, 2013
Winner Special Jury PrFIPRESCI Award for Best Documentary, Dubai International Film Festival Muhr Arab Documentary, 2013