Break and Enter a.k.a. Squatters (Newsreel #62)

In 1970, several hundred Puerto Rican and Dominican families reclaimed housing left vacant by the city.
Genre : Documentary
Contemporary Issues : Housing & Community
Break and Enter a.k.a. Squatters (Newsreel #62)

This film captures the militant antecedents to the housing reclamation movement in New York City. In 1970, several hundred Puerto Rican and Dominican families reclaimed housing left vacant by the city. They pulled the boards off the doors, cleaned and repaired the buildings and moved in. BREAK AND ENTER documents the activist work of Operation Move-In and the city's attempts to displaced the families.

Directors : Newsreel
Markets : Documentary
Year Released : 1971
Running Time : 42 minutes
Country : US
Original Language : English Version and Spanish Version
Streaming Partner : Alexander Street Press

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Third World Newsreel

Break and Enter a.k.a. Squatters (Newsreel #62)

Break and Enter a.k.a. Squatters (Newsreel #62)

Regular price $150.00 USD
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This film captures the militant antecedents to the housing reclamation movement in New York City. In 1970, several hundred Puerto Rican and Dominican families reclaimed housing left vacant by the city. They pulled the boards off the doors, cleaned and repaired the buildings and moved in. BREAK AND ENTER documents the activist work of Operation Move-In and the city's attempts to displaced the families.

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